Minnesota GED

Otrise, did it...

To those who are taking the GED test or studing for it: believe in yourself, study hard, and just do your best. It will pay for its self,:you will feel great, and be very proud of yourself after you have achieved this goal.

Trachanda H. Got it done!

Obtaining my G.E.D. was very interesting experience. The road was very hard for me. I owe alot to Heather(GED Coordinator/VISTA) she made school fun again for me. I am thankful she didn't let me slip through the cracks,  I was able to face my fears and realized I had nothing to be scared of.  My only advice is to JUST DO IT!!!

 Quanette did it!

 Neleseh Duo's Doing It!  Read Neleseh's Call to Action for all those thinking about getting thier GED. You can also follow Him on facebook and youtube, his Email: nessduo4ged@gmail.com or  www.youtube.com/usernessduo

If I Can, You Can

I first, would like to start off by letting you know, you my friend are sitting on acres of diamonds. Believe it or not, you already have everything you’ll need to better yourself, your life and those around you. I believe that if you’ll willingly change your thoughts, you’ll in effect, change your beliefs and when you change your beliefs on what you can or can’t do or why you should or shouldn’t move forward, your action change and when your action truly change, you then change your life for a lifetime.

I, on the other hand did not start of with this philosophy of life. I chose to learn the hard way, costing me much time and pain. I have never really been what you would call a model student--not based on my behavior but more on my attendance and willingness to ask for help when it was needed. I got diagnosed with kidney failure from the scarring of the radiation treatment due to childhood cancer. It was the summer of my eighth grade year when things started falling apart and piling up on me, both with school and my health. To make a long story short, I was placed on kidney dialysis by my eleventh grade year, fighting to catch up as well as keep up with my school work and the challenges that came with being a teenager transitioning into adulthood! I tried home school and visited many alternative schools all to no prevail. I keep telling myself,  "I’ll get my diploma next month."  Well, the months trued into years and a new song began. I’ll get my G.E.D. next month when things look better for me.

Time waits for no man… Fast forwarding from 2003 to 2010 I could try to explain all that has stopped me or made it so hard for me to get it done within that time frame, but I truly know and now understand that no excuse is better than the other. So I’m going to do what I know best and that's speaking from my heart in hopes that you'll take courage.  I hope that you will step out of your comfort zone in faith and truth to do and complete whatever it is you're needing to do for you to get your G.E.D. done.

One of the biggest of my many fears was what would my friends and loved ones think of me! Everyone I knew saw me as having it all together; I dressed nice, spoke well, and carried myself with confidence. Though in truth with every passing month and year my self-esteem was getting lower and lower as I saw my friends and younger classmates moving on and passing me. I knew I was just as smart as they were and that I could work just as hard as they did. But how ever I felt or looked at things, the truth was still fact. Unlike them, I did not complete high school and didn't have my high school diploma or even a G.E.D. I thank God that facts can and do change! I got sick and tired of being sick and tired, so I made up my mind and made the decision to get started, never quit, and stay focused, doing a little each day and not focusing on where I was but only on what I wanted and why I wanted it--freedom and most of all, the joy of completing a goal that was a long time coming.

The time my is now, the monent is here. I can and I will get my G.E.D. I will move forward from point A to Z. Now the question is... When will it be your time? When will it be that right moment for you to get started and get it done? Answer me. Better yet, answer yourself!       


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